About this exhibition catalogue

Edited by Patrizia Dander, Tommy Simoens, and Donna Wingate

The book is devoted to Luc Tuymans' exhibition, "Wenn der Frühling kommt" ("When Spring Arrives"), which took place in the spring of 2008 at Haus der Kunst. The retrospective presented a comprehensive overview of Tuymans' (*1958 in Mortsel, lives in Antwerp) oeuvre, from his early collages of the late 1970s to his mural Wonderland (2008), which he created for the space at Haus der Kunst. One of the most important painters of his generation, Tuymans became renowned primarily for his paintings of political and historical events. In his typical muted color palette and working from visual templates, he paints images of a collective memory, including motifs of everyday life as well as those of German history, especially the period of National Socialism. In the rooms of Haus der Kunst — to whose history Tuymans refers in the typographic style of the title "Wenn der Frühling kommt", which is similar to the Haus' still visible, original lettering — his paintings encountered a both sublime and discomforting resonance chamber. The book contains views of the exhibition, including of the installation and of individual key works. The images are accompanied by the following texts: a tour through the exhibition by Luc Tuymans, an introduction by Stephanie Rosenthal, and descriptions of the individual works by Verena Herber.
With contributions by Luc Tuymans, Stephanie Rosenthal, and Verena Herber
with approx. 60 partly full-page color illustrations, Hardcover

Published by Verlag Ludion, Antwerp 

With a signed ex libris

This exhibition catalogue is no longer available.


in English
125€ (7€ shipping within Germany)

Tuymans cover 2 270 01