Press release

The artist Luisa Baldhuber (born 1994) has created a multi-sensory, site-specific installation for the staff entrance at the rear of the house. Afterglow envelops us in the colours of a perpetually repeating sunrise and sunset. It takes up the minimalist style of the Light and Space Movement, which strongly inspired Baldhuber's artistic work and ideas surrounding the design of the neighbouring Englischer Garten. By integrating the illusion of a natural phenomenon into a given location through paint and light, the artist questions the original architecture of Haus der Kunst and aims to sensitize our consciousness to the things we see and, based on this, think we know.




Pressemitteilung (DE)

Press release (EN)

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Haus der Kunst München, 2024
Foto: Maximilian Geuter

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Exhibition view
Haus der Kunst München, 2024
Photo: Maximilian Geuter

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Exhibition view
Haus der Kunst München, 2024
Photo: Maximilian Geuter

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Exhibition view
Haus der Kunst München, 2024
Photo: Maximilian Geuter

Luisa Baldhuber. Afterglow

Exhibition view
Haus der Kunst München, 2024
Photo: Maximilian Geuter

Luisa Baldhuber. After Glow, 2023

Digital Rendering, © Luisa Baldhuber