We would like to enhance your visitor experience at Haus der Kunst. Therefore, we invite you to take a moment to complete our visitor survey. Let us know your impressions and feedback on our exhibitions, educational and participatory offers, and our event programme.

We will be giving away five "Haus der Kunst 365" annual passes among all participants. The questionnaire is open until 31.1.25.

The survey is accessible in both German and English.

Take part in the survey

Further information on the visitor survey

Data protection in the survey

By participating in the satisfaction survey, you consent pursuant to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit a DSGVO to the processing of your personal data provided to us in connection with the survey for statistical analysis and comparison of museum institutions. Your personal data, including survey responses, will be processed for statistical purposes and anonymised in preparation for benchmarking with other institutions. It will not be possible to identify individuals from this data. The collected data will only be used to assess visitor satisfaction, holiday behaviour, and similar aspects related to tourism research.

We, Stiftung Haus der Kunst München gGmbH, are responsible for conducting the satisfaction survey. The processing of the collected data will be carried out by our service provider (MANOVA GmbH) as our data processor.

Participation in the survey and your consent are voluntary. You may refuse to participate without giving reasons, and this will not result in any disadvantages. You can withdraw your consent at any time (e.g., by letter or email) with future effect. Please note that once anonymisation has been completed, it is not technically possible to withdraw your consent. Should you also wish to participate in our competition as part of the satisfaction survey, our competition terms and conditions will apply accordingly. Further information regarding the competition and the satisfaction survey can also be found in the terms and conditions.

Conditions of participation in the raffle

1. Scope

These terms and conditions apply to all competitions conducted by Stiftung Haus der Kunst München gGmbH, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich (hereinafter referred to as the "Organiser"). By participating, each participant acknowledges these terms and conditions.

Raffle of five “Haus der Kunst 365” annual passes between 1.2.24 and 31.1.25

2. Participation

2.1 Eligible to participate are natural persons in their own name who are at least 18 years old. Participants who are at least 16 years old but not yet of legal age may only participate with the consent of their legal guardians.

2.2 Minors under the age of 16 and persons without legal capacity are excluded from participation.

2.3 In the event of a violation of the terms and conditions of participation or in the case of intentional or unintentional false information in the questionnaire, the Organiser reserves the right to exclude individual participants from the competition. Those who use unauthorised aids or otherwise gain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. In the event of a violation of the terms and conditions, the awarded prize may also be revoked or reclaimed.

2.4 Participation is only possible within the period specified in the competition description until 31.1.25 at 12 pm. Each participant may only enter the same competition once.

2.5 Employees of the Organiser, employees of companies involved in this competition, and their immediate family members are excluded from participation.

3. Execution of the Competition

3.1 To participate in the competition, it is necessary to take part in the Organiser’s visitor survey between 1.2.24 and 31.1.25. If another requirement for participation is necessary, it will be communicated directly at the point of entry. All participants who meet the requirements listed in sections 2 and 3 by the time of the draw will be considered. Winners will be drawn randomly from among the participants immediately after the participation deadline.

3.2 No changes or cash alternatives to the prize will be offered. The prize is non-transferable. Legal recourse is excluded.

4. Prize Handling

4.1 The winner will be notified by email by the Organiser. The notified participant is required to inform the Organiser within one month of the notification whether they accept the prize. If the Organiser does not receive a response within this period, the opportunity to accept the prize expires, and the Organiser reserves the right to select and notify another participant.

4.2 If the provided contact details are incorrect (e.g., email address), the Organiser is not obliged to obtain the correct information. Any disadvantages arising from incorrect contact details (e.g., incorrect email address) are the responsibility of the participant.

5. Liability for Defects

The Organiser is only liable for damages incurred by the winner due to material and/or legal defects in cases of fraud, intent, or gross negligence. Liability for material and/or legal defects is otherwise excluded.

6. Premature Termination, Adjustment, or Amendment of the Competition

The Organiser is entitled to terminate, adjust, or amend the competition at any time without prior notice and without stating reasons if proper execution of the competition cannot be ensured due to technical or legal reasons.

7. Applicable Law

The legal relationships of the parties are governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. For consumers, this choice of law applies only to the extent that it does not deprive them of protection under mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the consumer has their habitual residence.

8. Data Protection

Responsible for data processing in connection with the competition is: Stiftung Haus der Kunst München gGmbH, Prinzregentenstraße 1, 80538 Munich. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer: Stephan Blazy, LL.M. (GDPC GbR), Telephone: +49 561 830 99 166, datenschutz@hausderkunst.de.

8.1. Processing of Your Personal Data in the Context of the Competition

The Organiser processes your personal data (name, first name, address, email address) for the purpose of conducting this competition. Personal contact details of winners will be processed for subsequent contact, including dispatch of the prize, and may be retained for legal proof purposes (e.g., tax law).

To send the prize, we will also process the winners' names, first names, and addresses and pass these details to a shipping company commissioned by us. No further transfer of personal data to third parties will occur.

The legal basis for these processing activities in the context of the competition is Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO (performance of a contract and pre-contractual measures).

8.2. Storage Duration

After the end of the competition, your contact details processed in the context of the competition will be deleted no later than three months after the competition ends, and the information provided in the survey will be anonymised, unless there is effective consent for further processing (e.g., for newsletter dispatch) and/or we have a legitimate interest in continued storage.

8.3. Your Rights as a Data Subject

Applicable data protection law grants you the following rights regarding the processing of your personal data: the right to access the personal data we hold about you (Art. 15 DS-GVO), the right to rectification (Art. 16 DS-GVO), the right to erasure (Art. 17 DS-GVO), the right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 DS-GVO), the right to data portability (Art. 20 DS-GVO), and the right to object to processing (Art. 21 DS-GVO). You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 DS-GVO). The relevant supervisory authority can be found on the following list: https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Service/Anschriften/Laender/Laender-node.html.