5/21/2024, 10:00 AM — 5/24/2025, 4:00 PM
160 € plus material and meal costs
The workshop is scheduled for 4 days and takes place from 10 am to 4 pm each day.
Do you already have plans for the holidays? If not, then come and join us at Haus der Kunst. In the first week of the Whitsun holidays, there will be a workshop for children aged between 8 and 12. Here you can experiment with colours and techniques, find out what's going on in our everyday lives, make new friends and, above all, have lots of fun.
In this workshop, we will be focussing on the exhibition by Liliane Lijn “Arise Alive”.
Liliane Lijn is an artist who creates fascinating works with movement, light and words inspired by earth and space. During these four days, we will playfully approach Lijn's themes and working methods and build fun light objects, such as a kaleidoscope.
If you have any questions, please contact Camille Latreille: latreille@hausderkunst.de - 089-21127 188
The workshop is sponsored by the City of Munich - Josef Schörghuber Foundation for Munich Children.