
11.11.23, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM




Free admission


“Challenging the Narrative: Conservation and Replication of Immersive Artworks” seeks to present new narratives in the conservation, replication and reproduction of immersive artworks. It takes place within the framework of the exhibition “Inside Other Spaces. Environments by Women Artists 1956-1976”, curated by Marina Pugliese and Andrea Lissoni at Haus der Kunst.

With “Inside Other Spaces. Environments by Women Artists 1956-1976”, Haus der Kunst presents an exhibition that addresses the replicability and conservation of Environments by women artists. Three-dimensional immersive artworks are situated at the threshold between art, architecture and design, creating and transforming space but also inviting the spectator to enter, engage and interact with them.

Over the years, Environments, defined as “installations” in the late 1970s, became a major feature in the international art world. Given the experimental and/or site-specific nature, most Environments were destroyed after display. Thus, their art historiography is characterized by a sense of loss, and the materiality of these works is often unclear.

For the exhibition at Haus der Kunst, the majority of the artworks have been reconstructed following several different approaches. For works by living artists, the replication process has been fine-tuned in accordance with the artists’ requirements.

For Environments not previously reproduced, reconstruction involved through archival research — consulting an array of sources such as photographs, architectural plans, reviews, materials’ lists and providers’ invoices. For those works previously replicated or reproduced, the same archival process was followed, cross checking for consistency with existing sources. Both approaches involve issues of accessibility, sustainability, and knowledge transfer.

No prior registration is required. Admission is free.

The symposium is co-organised by Haus der Kunst and the Getty Conservation Institute.


9.30—9.45 am Registration

9.45—10 am lnstitutional Remarks
Andrea Lissoni, Haus der Kunst and Stavroula Golfomitsou,
Getty Conservation Institute

10—10.20 am lntroduction

Marina Pugliese and Andrea Lissoni with Giovanni Rubino

Andrea Lissoni and Marina Pugliese, with Giovanni Rubino set the stage for the Study Day in their brief introduction. Emanating from the exhibition “Inside Other Spaces”, currently on display at Haus der Kunst, they will highlight the rationale and concept of the symposium, including how the variety of experts invited will aid the conversation around the replication of immersive artworks and contemporary exhibition making more broadly.

10.20—11.30 am First Session

“Engendering Spaces” Chair: Stephanie Weber

Chaired by Stephanie Weber, who curated the Lea Lublin retrospective at Lenbachhaus in 2015, the first session is concerned with a critical feminist perspective on the restaging of immersive artworks by women artists. Incorporating the dissimilar socio-political background today, the session is asking whom a re-presentation serves by looking at multiple women artists.

10.20—10.40 am Silvia Rottenberg (online)
What do these women want-again? How to curatorially incorporate socio-political change

10.40—11 am Margarida Brito Alves
Tulia Saldanha: Inside and Outside the Box

11.00—11.20 am Anne Pfautsch
Faith Wilding's 'Crocheted Environment'. A contemporary feminist perspective

11.20—11.30 am Q&A

11.30—11.50 am Break

11.50 am —1 pm Second Session

“The Presumed lnnocence of Replication” Chair: Tom Learner

Tom Learner, Head of Science at Getty Conservation Institute is chairing the second panel that is analysing specific case studies, highlighting the value, benefits and various objectives of replicating immersive artworks whilst at the same time discussing the issues and risks that this might entail.

11.50 am —12.10 pm Tiziana Caianiello
Nanda Vigo's project for the exhibition ZERO on Sea: Retrieving forgotten memories

12.10—12.30 pm Alexandra Nichols/Francesca Colussi
Adapting lmmersive Artworks for Unique Architectural Spaces at Tate

12.30—12.50 pm lolanda Ratti/Lucia Aspesi
Filmambiente-Film Esperienza. The work of Marinella Pirelli between live and re-enactment

12.50—1 pm Discussion

1—2.15 pm Lunch Break

2.20—3.50 Third Session

“Artists of Other Spaces” Chair: Francesco Guzzetti

Chaired by scholar Francesco Guzzetti, the third session is presenting diverse case studies of trailblazing women artists who worked on the threshold between design, architecture and art and created original Environments, which were presented in innovative institutions.

2.20—2.40 pm Flor Penna
Living in art. Environments by women artists in Di Tella Institute

2.40—3 pm Teresa Kittler
Carla Accardi's Sicofoil Spaces

3—3.20 pm Maristella Casciato
Tensioned Sculptures. The architect alias the artist

3.20—3.30 pm Q & A

3.30—3.50 pm Break

3.50—4.30 pm Pip Laurenson (feedback keynote)

4.30—5.30 pm Final Roundtable with Brief Closing Remarks

7 pm Performance by Tania Mouraud