Welcome to Haus der Kunst in 2025

Haus der Kunst is changing fast. The focus is on working with living artists, on generating new lines in art history, and on questioning canons and stereotypes. With a view to the future, we have conceived intertwined exhibitions, live events, and engagement-oriented formats, to include all visitors. This shared experience is key to our dialogue with an open, diverse, and growing community.

Following Philippe Parreno’s radical exhibition shaped by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and conducted by human and non-human voices, our themes for 2025 extend to “language” and “play” in the arts, inviting all to participate in forms of learning. Through the yearly live exhibition ECHOES, we dive into digital worlds as interpreted by the emerging generations of experimental artists we support. The end of borders between real and digital worlds is further stressed in the interactive landscape of digital compost daringly imagined by Shu Lea Cheang. The group show “For Children. Art Stories since 1968” presents art explicitly made for children, highlighting their role in today’s societies and opening up our building to its surroundings. Cyprien Gaillard’s exhibition questions the geological time of monuments, their often contradictory references, and our own perceptions, focusing on both Haus der Kunst and the city of Munich. Sandra Vásquez de la Horra brings decades of multidisciplinary artistic practice rooted in polyphonic Indigenous cosmology to her multilayered displays.

Alongside these exhibitions, we maintain our commitment to formats reinforcing participation (Open Haus, MMMHaus, Super BOOKS), to new memories (LSK-Galerie, Archiv Galerie), and to cooperative projects (ars viva, Spielart). Last but not least, we continue to offer new and unexpected sonic encounters through the monthly series TUNE, echoing themes from the exhibition programme and opening new horizons in sound and music.

As we push for innovative forms of engagement and challenging artistic practices, we invite you to join us on this journey.