Every day events occur that have the potential to become history. But who decides, which events are historically relevant? Whose history is told, in which context and by whom? "Golden Times" presents works by four contemporary artists, who consider "history" as an unstable concept: as a construction made up from innumerable facets and fragments; as a question of interpretation, narration and fiction.

The sculptures by London artist Steven Claydon (*1969) are reminiscent of a traditional aesthetic found in memorials and monuments, whilst, at the same time, they seem to reference science fiction. They appear paradoxical – as if history and future had been brought together. 

At the centre of Diango Hernández's (*1970) art is the recent history of his native country Cuba. He finds strong images for the processes of "writing" history and how it is manifested in communist iconography and rhetoric. 

The Swiss artist Mai-Thu Perret (*1976) has been working on her project "The Crystal Frontier" since 1998, the focus of which is a fictional women's commune with its – also fictional – history. 

The South Korean artist Sung Hwan Kim (*1975) employs the ancient tradition of story telling as a form of capturing history; at the same time, rumours, oral traditions or similar can also be considered a source for history. Kim's presentation acts as a counterpoint in space and time to part 1 of "Golden Times".

Steven Claydon, Like a Potted Vessel, 2009, Courtesy of the artist und Hotel, London
Steven Claydon, Like a Potted Vessel, 2009, Courtesy of the artist und Hotel, London
Diango Hernández, Drawing (If You Have a Palm Tree, You Have the Right to Climb It), 2006, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Courtesy Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer; Wet Wall, 2007/09, Courtesy of the artist, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Diango Hernández, Drawing (If You Have a Palm Tree, You Have the Right to Climb It), 2006, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Courtesy Galerie Michael Wiesehöfer; Wet Wall, 2007/09, Courtesy of the artist, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Mai-Thu Perret, Space-Time Rhythm Modulation – The Most Difficult Love, 2010, Still, produziert mit Unterstützung von Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich, Courtesy Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich und Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Mai-Thu Perret, Space-Time Rhythm Modulation – The Most Difficult Love, 2010, Still, produziert mit Unterstützung von Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich, Courtesy Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich und Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Steven Claydon, Logs from the Black Forest, 2007, Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Steven Claydon, Logs from the Black Forest, 2007, Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London, Installationsansicht Goldene Zeiten, Haus der Kunst, 2010, Foto Wilfried Petzi
Steven Claydon, Renaissance Malt – A Demonstrative Equivalence of the Coarseness of Converse Properties, 2009, Courtesy of the artist und Hotel, London, Foto Mark Blower
Steven Claydon, Renaissance Malt – A Demonstrative Equivalence of the Coarseness of Converse Properties, 2009, Courtesy of the artist und Hotel, London, Foto Mark Blower
Mai-Thu Perret, Space-Time Rhythm Modulation – The Most Difficult Love, 2010, Still, produziert mit Unterstützung von Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich, Courtesy Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich und Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Foto Marino Solokhov
Mai-Thu Perret, Space-Time Rhythm Modulation – The Most Difficult Love, 2010, Still, produziert mit Unterstützung von Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich, Courtesy Galerie Francesca Pia, Zürich und Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, Foto Marino Solokhov
Sung Hwan Kim, From the commanding heights, 2007, Still
Sung Hwan Kim, From the commanding heights, 2007, Still
Diango Hernández, We can't celebrate, 2008, Courtesy Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery, photo Anne Poehlmann
Diango Hernández, We can't celebrate, 2008, Courtesy Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery, photo Anne Poehlmann
Sung Hwan Kim, Dog Video, 2006, Still Sung Hwan Kim, Dog Video, 2006, Still
Sung Hwan Kim, Dog Video, 2006, Still Sung Hwan Kim, Dog Video, 2006, Still