Haus der Kunst has inaugurated a new program of focused one gallery exhibitions that explore recent developments amongst a generation emerging international artists. The goal of the Capsule Exhibition series is to engage audiences in the production of new work by artists at critical points of artistic breakthrough in their careers.
Tilo Schulz's architectural and narrative based work for Capsule 01 departs from a newly written scenic piece. The text is narrated by actors and integrated into a large-scale installation, which significantly modifies the existing architecture and absorbs the viewer as a protagonist. In direct reference to the dimensions of the nearly 200-square-meter exhibition hall, Schulz has constructed an accessible wood structure with the basic dimensions of this room. This construction was rotated 18 degrees and installed in the hall. The rotation causes a part of the inserted space to become lost behind the actual walls so that it exists only in the imagination of the viewer as displaced space. The bottom panels of the "new" space are nearly flush with the existing architecture. The installation expands before the viewer like an accessible image. Upon entering this new space, painterly interventions are visible at various points, and the literary text becomes audible. The text uses different types of movement and displacement as something fundamentally human and encourages the visitor to connect with historical events and gain an awareness of his own movement and its limits.
In his dual role as artist and author, Tilo Schulz brings together several artistic concerns in his installation: Using simple materials, he creates a space that can be perceived visually, physically and acoustically, serving as a metaphor for repression, boundaries and control. At the same time, this space actually exists, i.e. visitors can pass through it and experience it as an urban environment, in which different perspectives and encounters arise.