Contact us
Haus der Kunst
Prinzregentenstraße 1
80538 Munich
T +49 89 21127 113
F +49 89 21127 157
We kindly ask you refrain from sending in artworks, artist applications and exhibition proposals, as they cannot all be viewed or returned. We ask for your understanding.
Dr. Andrea Lissoni
Artistic Director
Bianca Knall
Commercial Director
Biljana Gligorić
Executive Assistant / Business Affairs Manager
T +49 89 21127 142
Iris Ludwig
Assistant to the Commercial Director
T +49 89 21127 172
Curatorial Department
Xue Tan
Head of Programme and Exhibitions / Chief Curator
Isabella Kredler
Assistant to the Head of Programme and Exhibitions / Chief Curator
T +49 89 21127 166
Dr. Jana Baumann
Senior Curator
T +49 89 21127 117
Anna Schneider
T +49 89 21127 127
Sarah Johanna Theurer
T +49 89 21127 148
Sabine Brantl
Head of Archive
T +49 89 21127 132
Lydia Antoniou
Curatorial Fellow
T +49 89 21127 126
Lydia Korndörfer
Curatorial Fellow
T +49 89 21127 171
Marlene Mützel
Curatorial Fellow
T +49 89 21127 128
Laila Wu
Curatorial Fellow
T +49 89 21127 145
Sylvia Clasen
Team Assistant Curators
T +49 89 21127 134
Exhibition production
Dany Hamilton
Head of Programme and Exhibition Production
Leonie Kürbs
Assistant Programme and Exhibition Production
T +49 89 21127 179
Louis Panizza
Technical Project Manager
T +49 89 21127 139
Tina Schulz
T +49 89 21127 173
Tanja Eiler
T +49 89 21127 165
Katja Cox
Fellow Programme and Exhibition Production
T +49 89 21127 170
Anja Fetzer
Head of Communication / Marketing
Claudia Illi
Head of Press and Media
T +49 89 21127 115
Veronika Lutz
Digital Manager
T +49 89 21127 120
Manuela Illera
Audio and Video production
T +49 89 21127 138
Sonja Lauster
Communication Fellow
T +49 89 21127 177
Valentina Häberle
Communication Fellow
T +49 89 21127 130
Janine Rosenbrock
Student Assistant Communication
T +49 89 21127 121
Lisann Lechtermann
Student Assistant Communication
T +49 89 21127 121
Learning & Engagement
Pia Linden
Head of Engagement / Participation
T +49 89 21127 137
Camille Latreille
Learning and Engagement
T +49 89 21127 188
Marlene Hackl
FSJ Learning and Engagement
T +49 89 21127 189
Andrea Saul
Event Management and Production
T +49 89 21127 124
Thomas Ludwig
Visitor Service (Mon-Fri, 10 am - 5 pm)
T +49 89 21127 113
Thomas Kirst
Head of Finance / Controlling
T +49 89 21127 155
Alessandro Grillo
T +49 89 21127 141
Jorge Sanchez
Emily Pflaum
Student Assistant Accounting
Moritz Petersen
Procurement Manager
T +49 89 21127 152
Property / Facility Management
Anton Köttl
Facility Manager
T +49 89 21127 153
Konstantin Kamponeski
Mail Office
T +49 89 21127 151
Roland Roppelt
T +49 89 21127 154
Robert Szabó
T +49 89 21127 154
Joachim Görtz
Andreas Henzelmann
Stefan Hirschmann
Renata Fumic
Semir Bakic
Jessica Fuhrmann
Assistant HR
T +49 89 21127 123
Niels Osthorst
Exhibition Security
T +49 89 21127 131